The Municipality

The Municipality attained this status under statutory instrument 2015 No. 47 on 9th day of September 2015. The then existing Nansana Town Council was expanded in boundaries to annex Nabweru , Gombe and Busukuma Sub-counties to form a new Local Council at the Level of LCIV and thus took the Name of the existing Town Council, which is Nansana.

Nansana Municipality is located in Wakiso District within in the Central Region of Uganda. It is about 9.6km (6 miles) from the centre of Kampala, the capital City of Uganda on (Kampala-Hoima Road). It covers an area of 295.3 sq km.

Composition of Municipality

The Municipality consists of the following members:-

  • >> Her Worship the Mayor;
  • >> The Deputy Mayor;
  • >> One councillor directly elected by secret ballot to represent each electoral area in the Municipality on the basis of universal adult suffrage;
  • >> Two councillors representing the youth, one of whom shall be female;
  • >> Two councillors with disability representing persons with disabilities, one of whom shall be female;
  • >> Women councillors forming one third of the Municipal such that the councillors elected under paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) shall form two thirds of the Municipality;
  • >> One councillor representing each of the following professional bodies;
  • >> A person is not qualified to be a councillor unless he or she is a citizen of Uganda.

Functions of Mayor

Her worship the Mayor is the political head of the Municipality. She presides over all meetings of the Municipal Council, performs ceremonial and civic functions, she also hosts foreign and local dignitaries, heads the Municipality in developing strategies and programs for the development of the Municipality.

Monitor the administration of the Municipality, provide guidance to the division administrations; and represent the Municipality in the Metropolitan Authority.

The Mayor in the performance of his or her functions, is answerable to the Municipality and the Member of Parliament.

The Deputy Mayor assists the Mayor in the performance of his or her roles and otherwise deputise for the Mayor in his or her absence.

Administrative divisions

Nansana Municipality is divided into five 4 divisions (Nansana, Nabweru, Gombe and Busukuma), each headed by a popularly elected Mayor. The table below gives the names of the relevant officials and their areas of responsibility.

Political and Administrative Leadership




Resident District Commissioner Mbabazi Justine RDC of Wakiso District
Deputy Resident District Commissioner Nsubuga Shafic Ali Deputy RDC in charge of Nansana Municipality
Betty Ethel Naluyiima Woman Member of Parliament

Wakayima Musoke Hannington

Member of Parliament Nansana Municipality

The Mayor

Regina Nakkazzi Bakiitte Musoke

Her Worship The Mayor Nansana Municipality

Deputy Mayor Yiga Kato Paul Deputy Mayor of Nansana Municipality
Municipal Town Clerk Tandeka Festo Town Clerk of Nansana Municipal Council
Deputy Municipal Town Clerk Nabaggala Josephine Kafeero Deputy Town Clerk of Nansana Municipal Council
Principal Assistant Town Clerk Hajjat Hadijah Ssengendo Mukasa Principal Assistant Town Clerk of Nansana Municipal Council
Nanasana Division

Chairperson LC III

Matovu Joseph

Chairperson LC III Nansana Division

Senior Assistant Town Clerk Rosette Namiiro Senior Assistant Town Clerk for Nansana Division
Nabweru Division

Chairperson LC III

Jumba Kasim

Chairperson LC III Nabweru Division

Senior Assistant Town Clerk Sauda Namala Senior Assistant Town Clerk for Nabweru Division
Busukuma Division

Chairperson LC III

Mutebi Ronald Kitata Muyima

Chairperson LC III Busukuma Division

Senior AssistantTown Clerk Ssenoga Ahmed Senior Assistant Town Clerk for Busukuma Division
Gombe Division

Chairperson LC III

Kasirivu Ronald

Chairperson LC III Gombe Division

Senior Assistant Town Clerk
Musoke Sulaiman Kassim
Senior Assistant Town Clerk for Gombe Division

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